Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How does one decipher what is social tagging and what is not?

So I think I have figured out some things about social tagging since I posted my last blog. I realized that the website Delicious is much easier to use than I thought. Tags are helpful and convenient because you are basically getting other people's information about topics you are researching or are interested in by the click of a few buttons, and all for free!
Now my question is: What is considered a social tag and what isn't? What websites are social tagging websites and which aren't. Is Facebook social tagging? Is Twitter? I think that they are, but are there different categories of social tagging? Do you think Social Tagging is an umbrella over multiple topics? Are there specific websites that cater to academic tagging rather than social tagging? Are Twitter, Facebook, and Delicious all really in the category of Social Tagging, or are they sub categories of social tagging? What do you think are characteristics of social tagging sites?

My midterm group
Group 1. Social Tagging e.g.,Delicious, Flickr, etc.
Melissa - What is it?
Beth - How Does it work?
Laura - Examples?
Christopher - How Can it be used in the Art Classroom?
How does one decipher what is social tagging and what is not?SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Can Social Tagging Make Teacher's Lives Easier and How?

In order to take full advantage of social tagging, I will have to learn to give up my addiction to When learning about social tagging, I must admit my immediate response was “Um, whatever subject I want to research I type it into Google and hit enter”. Why would I need to tag the hottest travel sites, the hottest education sites when Google tells me what they are; or does it? I love the Internet and technology, but have maybe five websites that I visit repeatedly. Since this isn’t a large number I can remember the names of them. This is another reason a site like delicious and the idea of social tagging can be confusing. I feel pressure to collect more interesting websites. I do have a feeling that as I become a more seasoned teacher I will have more web sites that I favor. This is the question. Can tagging really do what technology should do? Can tagging make teachers lives easier and more organized or is it an added dose of confusion. If the easier part is true then I believe that tagging can also make students lives easier? I am wondering what others think?
Can Social Tagging Make Teacher's Lives Easier and How?SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend