Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On the Job Hunt

It is January and I just recently graduated with a MAT degree in December. I am on the job hunt. I am interested in obtaining a job that involves any aspect of art education. Who knew there were so many others out there that also want to be art teachers. I recently discovered that a job I applied for had 65 applicants. 65! I was one of 65! That was just crazy to me. However, I don't feel that bad because I was still completing my student teaching when I applied to the job and I am still waiting on the Pennsylvania Department of Education to approve and award me my teaching certification. I check PA's education department website everyday, and everyday the same thing pops up on the screen "application in hand, being viewed". How long does it take? So I am in a "hurry up and wait" type of limbo right now. Some days I am relaxed and enjoy some down time, other days I am anxious because I just can't wait to get back in action. But, I am hopeful, even though the double digits of January are here and creeping up higher and higher on me. I know that the hard work of the past four years of graduate school will be rewarded, even if not right away. I think I can wait another week...
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