Saturday, July 11, 2009

Arcimboldo lesson follow up...

Well, the lesson on Friday did not go as smoothly as I would have liked. You see, I think it would work in a more educational setting, but I am working in a summer program and the goal of "art time" is entertainment and if something is learned along the way then great. The students loved Arcimboldo's images. However, some of these students have severe attention deficit and the filling in of the heads was too tedious and time consuming for them. Also, I left it too open for them. Next project which will be this coming Monday needs to have more specific directions. A step by step how to type of project. Critical Thinking questions and answer sessions will work with this group of students but full out critical thinking art projects are not appropriate. So...I am off to find my ideas for Monday.  OH. P.S. budget for this gig=0 
Arcimboldo lesson follow up...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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